Daily messages,hymns,inspirational songs and lots.......more

Wednesday 30 September 2015

A Proper Evaluation Of Life – Consider where you are sitting!

The Bible says,
“… and… they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die?” 2 Kings7:3 KJV
That was a very wonderful question. I do not know if you understand what that means. “Why accept this situation until it kills us? Why submit our lives to this situation until it kills us? Why submit our lives to this situation until we die?” Something was happening to them. Something was rising inside of them; something was causing them to re-evaluate their lives. They seemed to have said, “does it mean that our lives will just waste away like this and we can do nothing about it? Why sit we here until we die? Why sit we here?”

What is the meaning of ‘sit’? It means to relax, to settle.....

The first question that those people asked themselves is what each one of us needs to ask ourselves. Must you sit down in the situations in which you find your life today, until you die? I have met people who started fornicating while in secondary school. They went through the university and are now working; yet, with the same problem. If you are such a person, I want to ask you, “why sit you here, until you die? Why sit in the place of a fornicator until you die? Why sit there as if you are destined to die a fornicator? Why can’t your story change? Why sit you here? Why do you settle, accept, relax and agree with this terrible condition of your life until you die?” For God to change your life you must consider where you are sitting, and you must ask yourself, “Why am I sitting in this condition? Why am I sitting, accepting, relaxing and agreeing with this situation? Is it where God intends me to sit till I die?”

You can quickly estimate and evaluate where you are sitting. Why is it that year in year out you are a grumbler? Something always goes wrong with you. You are always complaining. Why sit you there until you die? Why? For what purpose, for what cause, what is it that is making you to sit here? Naturally, these lepers would have answered themselves and said, “Because we are lepers.” Though they knew that they were leprous, something told them inside their hearts, “Leprosy is not the end of everything. Why sit you here in this condition?”

Why are you sitting here as a complainer every day? Why do you sit here always crying, finding fault, criticizing yourself, and always having problems? God has not destined you to sit in that condition. So why must you sit there? The four lepers realized that leprosy was not enough a reason for them to sit there. I pray that you too will rise up from your problem, the problem that does not allow your relationship with God to move smoothly. Why must you accept such condition thereby sitting down with the regular prayer of,

“Oh Lord, Our Father, we are miserable offenders, we have gone astray, all our bodies are full of sin and iniquity, we have left undone what we ought to do and we have done what we ought not to do. Oh Lord, we have no power of our own within ourselves, have mercy upon us…”

Why do you sit there a perpetual miserable offender, always doing what you ought not to do, and leaving undone what you ought to do? Why sit you here always omitting important matters and majoring in the minor? Those lepers, though physically speaking had been abandoned, they asked themselves a pertinent question, “why sit we here?” They did not see any reason on earth that would keep them there. When this question arises in your heart it becomes a premise for moving forward. You need to ask yourself, “Why am I sitting here?” If you arise to do that, something must happen to your life. And if every family that is about to scatter will ask this question, the story will change.

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