Daily messages,hymns,inspirational songs and lots.......more

Wednesday 23 October 2013


My loins guarded! My light burning! All the time!
Such is the nature of divine expectations over my life!
God expects the light from my candle, my heart to be aglow all the time  burning with the fire of consecration and communion.
As the master Jesus spoke to his disciples on the road to Emmaus, their hearts began to burn within them. Truly the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord. My earnest prayer then is for God to light up my candle – my spirit - everyday so I can burn for Him.

Lord put fire in my spirit afresh. Increase the fervency of my spirit so I can serve You aright. (Luke 24:32, Rom 12:11, Prov. 20:27, Ps. 18:28). No cold heart, passive spirit or damp soul can truly worship You. Lord ignites my soul anew.

It is the man ignited by Your fire that can run with zeal and passion. It was Your fire that caused the two disciples (who had pleaded with Jesus not make a night journey some moments ago) to travel the long distance back to Jerusalem that same night. It was Your fire in Phinehas - the grandson of Aaron, that made him to rush at the whoring Israelite man and his Moabite girlfriend to judge them on God’s behalf. It was the same fire that came upon my Lord Jesus until the zeal of His Father’s house consumed Him and He drove out the money changers from the temple.

But then, if my heart, my candle will keep burning, there's a matter to be watched first: My loins – my loins must not be lax or loose. Everything that causes spiritual laxity and frivolity must be done away with. I must cast away every work of darkness, the night having been far spent. The day of the Lord is at hand. I must discard those fire-dampers . . . . sinful carelessness, the cares of this world and inner restless anxieties.
Every ‘drunkenness’ of casualness and careless living must give way; every excess luggage of mundane things must go also, so I can travel light in my journey. Laundering my earthly gains into the heavenly treasury is the wise way to trans-locate my heart from the earth and keep my heart burning for Him.(Lk 12:22-36,Rom 13:11-14).
Father! Cause your fire that purges, to deal with all these earthen dross so the brilliance of my ‘new man’ can shine forth. If I gird my loins aright, I know I will keep my light burning. But then, if my heart must ever keep aglow with fresh fire of the Spirit, I must discover and tenaciously keep the protocols of perpetual burning.

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