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My generation needs something more authentic to prepare her for your soon appearing. I need to be more accurate and sharp in releasing the oracles that will prepare this generation for revival. Take me away from menial things. Take me away from doing things that my subordinates can do very well. Help me to enter into the next stage of your calling for my life in Jesus name. You took away Moses from the congregation for forty days so you can sit over his life and for him to see the pattern of the heavenly things, so the work on earth could be done as it is in heaven. While away, men continued without him. Lord, draw me away when I ought be climbing the mount of vision, lest I become ordinary among the men I am called to lead into their rest.

Take me to your room

Into your chambers! Actually the issue is that I long to come into your secret pavilion.

"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall rest under the shadow of the Almighty. Ps.91:1

One thing I have desired of the Lord, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, And to inquire in His temple. For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; In the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.(Psa 27:4-5 NKJV)
O Lord, this is where I want to be. Take me into your heart. Create a space for me to come into the very Shekinah of thy glory. There is nothing much outside here. Things out here are diluted and polluted. I long to come into your very bosom; Lord, draw me nearer. I know it is possible to walk this intimately with you. Take me, dear Lord, into your private rooms.

You took Paul into the third heavens. He saw and heard things that You warned him not to speak casually with anyone. You took Peter, James and John to the mount of Transfiguration, where they saw and heard what you asked them not to tell anyone until you have risen from the dead. You took Daniel into the inner room where you showed him things to come and asked him to seal it till the time of the end. O Lord, take me into you room. Father, do it for my own generation as well.
It is not for show that I want this. It is that I may serve you more accurately in this time. As I am pleading for this elopement, my heart strikes me of the level of trust I must bear to come into this place. I know you abhor betrayal of trust. Yet, I can only fall back on you again for help. Deliver me from a porous mouth. Deliver me from lightness of heart that is too shallow to bear your burdens. Lord, help me and still grant me this privilege to bear a trust for you in my generation.

You called John, the Beloved up thither and you opened the door of heaven to him to see and hear of what will soon be on the face of the earth. You still desire to reveal your purpose to someone in this generation. I long to come, O Lord; into this level of communion. I am losing taste for mere things of the earth. I have trifled with the common bread for so long.

Call me up thither. O Father, grant this to me from today. Change my appetite. Change my routines. Change my itinerary. I actually need to be eloped from all of these things that look legitimate, but they make me menial and weak in the discharge of your mandate on my life.

"A weekly Devotional" by Gbile Akanni

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