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Wednesday 30 September 2015

A weekly Devotional by Gbile Akanni

A Proper Evaluation Of Life – Hate where you are sitting

“And there were four leprous men in the entering of the gate: and they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die?” 2 Kings 7:3 KJV
Those lepers said,

“Why sit we here…?”
I do not know what that ‘here’ means concerning your own life, but you know it; you know your dwelling place where you long for a breakthrough in life.

Are you oppressed day and night? You must rise up and say, “Why sit I here under oppression till I die?” If that demon has no proper reason for you to sit under him, then know that the time of his departure is at hand.

The children of Israel were in the land of Egypt, in bondage for four hundred and thirty years. As long as there was nothing to make them ask, “Why are we here?” they were there, year in year out. They did not cry for revival; they did not cry for a change because they did not see the need. But when the condition became tough, they began to cry out asking themselves: “Why sit we here under bondage until we die? All our fathers are dead; why sit we here?” Then God sent Moses, a deliverer that took them out.
Your first need is to hate where you are sitting, to query your present level, your present difficulties, and predicaments. Even if your present condition is good, it can be better. Could it be that any time you want to say, “Why sit I here”, a false religious spirit would quickly jump into your head and tell you it is the will of God for you? Have you ever thought of finding out why it is the will of God for you? What does God gain by seeing you a miserable offender? If you query your present level, you will soon discover that, that religious demon that substituted timidity for humility will turn and run. Humility does not mean to be timid, hiding in corners.

A humble person is a man who simply knows and understands that in himself he can do nothing. His dependence is on a Mighty God. A proud man is the man that arrogates to himself what he is not the source of. Think of a man who is poor and feels he ought to stay in poverty because God does not want him to be rich. This could be as a result of laziness or lack of knowledge. What will God gain from such a condition?

If there is to be a breakthrough in your life you must query your present situation. But when I ask you to query your situation, I am not asking you to struggle with men. May- be the only time you ask yourself this question is at a wrong time. It is only when you see a brother riding an expensive car, and wearing an expensive dress, that you ask yourself; “why am I like this? “ You are asking a good question at a wrong time and in a wrong place. When you query yourself at that kind of time and place, you may die of hypertension. The place to raise this question is in the presence of God. It must not be because somebody somewhere said something that challenged you. Let it not be a question asked out of rivalry and competition, jealousy or envy, which is the momentum of some people's lives, but a genuine question that calls for change of a situation that does not glorify God.

The next part of that question says, “…till we die.” The devil could quickly tell you, “Now just endure, it is not forever. It is only until you die!” And you might have agreed with him. When all you are saying as a wife is that God should help you if you happen to come to this world again not to make the kind of wrong choice of a husband that you are married to, you are simply agreeing that you will sit there until you die. You are not expecting a miracle. In the first place you are not coming again. It is expected of every man once to die, after that it is judgment. So you need to refuse to sit here till you die.

Surely God has something better for you in your lifetime, not when you die. God who made marriage said it is a good thing. Why should it be a bitter thing for you? The moment you are willing to ask that question, not in a wrong place, not when you see another woman coming in the same dress with her husband and they are calling themselves sweet names, God will intervene for you. It is not written anywhere that your marriage must be troublesome till you die. When the four lepers confronted themselves with this serious question, their lives changed. Yours will change also by the grace of God.

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