Daily messages,hymns,inspirational songs and lots.......more

Friday 4 October 2013

Words! The Currency Of The Soul ( By Gbile Akanni)

Thoughts and words are the medium of exchange. Thoughts are our spiritual revenues in the bank of the heart. When we speak we draw it out. When you give a man an audience -- a right to speak with you, you issue him a cheque to draw from your inner bank . . . to drain you a bit of your inner resources.

Pro 20:5 Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.
Every opening of the mouth is an expenditure of the inner man. When you speak, you spend. A waster is simply the man that spends without thinking . . . without ensuring that his spending will enrich his life or the life of those around him.

It is inevitable to spend, but the matter is "what exactly are you spending on?" And if words are a vent to the soul, an effluence of life, the question is "what are you spending your life upon?" It is actually a fool that opens his mouth everywhere, for everything and to everyone. Imagine a bank that opens its vault to every casual passerby.

Pro 29:11 A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.

No! Nobody opens the doors of revenues to those they have not yet ascertained. All monies are kept behind a door. Even the cashier sits behind a counting desk separated at the least by a wall of glass! Before they release their revenues to you, you must show evidence that you have a right. You are either an owner of an account or a borrower, a drawer, that must repay with interest. Don't open your mouth at every opportunity. Not everyone that asks a question deserve an answer much less every casual man that provokes a thought is worthy of it!

There are three categories of men that have a right to your inner-man.

First, there are those who have an account with you . . . as of relationship . . . . wife, children, disciples in-house and visiting etc. Their questions must be answered, their needs of instruction, correction etc must be settled. They have an account! . . . . even though they may have to fill out the procedural formalities of seeking an audience as if drawing a cheque.

Second, there are those who may not have an account, (now or ever) but who hold a bonafide cheque filled out by those who have an account or by the owner of the bank itself. These are men, women and children, even situations that are dragged to you by those with relationships with you or by God the final owner, who sends them to you to pick words already deposited with you for them even when they did not yet ask for it.

But the third category, those outside, strangers, casual acquaintances etc must be ascertained before we spend our words on them because whomsoever we spend our words upon, we spend our life upon!

The bank spends its everyday money to seek out those who will ultimately bring money to it. They seek out good traders who will utilize the money given to them to generate more money to bring to the bank; and banks lend according to perceived capacity.

Everyone is welcome in a bank! . . . . especially those who come to save! The banks encourage savings, do promo to get you to bring your money especially those who have it (little or much) but do not know what to do with it, in order to generate more. So also with our words.

You are a bank. Heaven has registered you a custodian of the holy oracles. We have signed out resources meant for lives and stocked it in the bank of your life. You are a bank branch. You cannot keep spraying such precious resources on casual discussions, on mere arguments and worse still on showing off. Seek more to learn from casual discussions than to display your wisdom. Speak little when men have no capacity or are not ready to utilize your wisdom. Wait for them; they'll come back when ready.

Pro 29:11 A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.

There is an afterwards! There's always an after-chance of releasing the Word properly. Do not hasten to pour out in words as if you will never have more opportune moment. There is a word for every moment, yet there is a moment for every word.

Wisdom is knowing the difference. You have not been appointed to sustain discussion and conversation around you. You have not been so richly endowed to flaunt information with profuse speaking. There's no need to bombard men with all you know! Be a bank; help them keep it in, until they need it. If you rush it on them, they'll dislike you for it.

Keep your mouth!
Keep your mouth shut!
Keep and conserve your life!

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