Daily messages,hymns,inspirational songs and lots.......more

Friday 4 October 2013


Lev 6:13 “The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar;it shall never go out.”

1Peter 4:7 “But the end of all things is at hand, be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.”

Leviticus 6:8-13 details the law of burnt offering unto the Lord, the procedure for keeping the altar aglow even through the dampness and coldness of night. These contain gleans of principles for my heart as I seek to keep the altar of my own heart aglow! These are the protocols of perpetual burning. Lord may you grant me peace of mind to keep strictly to these protocols of hosting the fire of heaven perpetually within my soul.

Four things stand out there for me to keep my light burning. Four things there are that I must do, if indeed I desire a perpetual burning! I must . . . .

1. Pack Out My Ashes!
First, the ashes of past burning must be packed out, else it will only serve to dampen my fresh burning. I must leave the past in the past, if I will ever keep my fire burning; past success, past achievement . . . yet past failures and past weaknesses. That which is past is past. Focusing on the past will only stop me from fresh prospects in God.

Father, may I see no reason to be pre-occupied with the ashes of my past burning. Even if I've had exploits, it was by You. The elder, Paul chose to forget the things which are past, so as to press on to what lies ahead. I might have given You some fat offerings, or serious consecrations but those have already been burnt up. I need to face my current state. Only old men dream mere dreams, I will offer you something fresh while I am young. Memories of past wonderful encounters with You will only form idols in my mind now, and dampen my present quest for You. Oh teach me Lord, to pack my ashes aside!

2. Feed My Fire!
Next, some fire wood must be fed into fire chambers for the fire to be sustained. Fresh wood, daily set in order, to keep the flames ever fresh, ever current.
Fresh logs of truth and twigs of understanding gained from spiritual insight into the word is the age long fuel that keeps God's Candle burning. Oh that I may befriend my Bible and cherish the truths and principles hidden therein. It was the sweet psalmist of Israel that cried "O that my ways were directed to keep Thy law. Father, this I pray!

On the other side, the blowing and fanning of prayer and intercession has been known of old to spread the fire all over the heart and keep it warm and sizzling. Prayer, in spirit and in truth, blazing through my spirit in known and unknown tongues and cutting through the every debris and blanket cast by living in this evil and apostate twenty-first century is what my soul must have to keep a burning!

Father, I need help to watch unto prayer . . . In thanksgiving, worship, praises; the burning fuel from tons of supplications, petitions, intercessions and advocacy I must now be enabled to supply generously and consistently at your altar. So Lord, draw me nearer. For happy is the man whom Thou cause to approach unto Your throne. Lord, hear my cry! Let the deep call to the deep and my soul be energized by tongs of fire from off Thine altar!

3. A fresh Sacrifice On My Altar!
Thirdly, the object of sacrifice – the burnt offering itself should be laid in order on top of the altar, to be consumed by the fire of sacrifice; thus yielding a sweet smell unto the Lord.
Next, Lord, I see the need to present a new sacrifice upon Your altar. Every day demands fresh consecration and offering of myself, my time, my body, talents, money, my love; as a burning sacrifice upon your altar. I cannot appear at your altar empty – handed, with no sacrifice at all. What object will the fire consume then? Even some lusty idols I hold to in prayer, I must now release, in the faith that your will for me is better. Even at this junction, may my perpetual cry agree with the Hymn writer of old . . .

If Thou wouldst call me to resign
What most price I, it never was mine
I only yield Thee what is Thine
Thy will be done!

4. Be Sober And Be Watchful
Finally and most importantly, the fire upon the altar must never go out; night or day.
I must now be sober – clear-minded and self-controlled. Never permitting clouds upon my mind, nor ever allow myself be double-minded in the place of prayer. Earthly passions, anxiety and lack of focus will normally weigh a man down even where he seeks to please God. May my loins be girded and may my light forever burn! Amen!
Should I be enabled to follow these Your clear injunctions, should I fulfill these spiritual protocols for perpetual burning, then surely my fire will never go out.

Therefore ask the Lord to help you keep Thy law.

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