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Friday 24 July 2015

"Recovering Your Lost Relationship with Jesus 2"

A weekly Devotional" by Gbile Akanni"

  • Do Not Act In Haste And Presumption- Always Be Properly Guided.
“…And they went a day's journey…”Luke 2:44 KJV
How could you go on without being sure that Jesus was with you? They went a day's journey. Do you know the implication of that? Every day you move without being sure of Jesus, you take a step farther from reality. Each time you realize that you are not as spiritual as people are thinking about you, you must be sincere to yourself and to the people about it. When they ask you to lead a meeting, teach in Sunday school or accept a new position in your Church and you know you are still sinning [though secretly], be sincere and tell the truth about your life. If you cover it and go on to accept spiritual responsibility, you are going a day's journey without Jesus. Are you a fornicator and you are still teaching a Sunday school class? Do you want to kill yourself? Surely you do want to kill yourself! I see you going to sit on the platform when you are supposed to sit in the pew because of your life. Do you want to destroy yourself? You are going a day's journey out of God's presence.

Many men today have accepted good positions; they are now elders, deacons, or Choir Masters in Churches, but they have not yet overcome sin in their lives. They seem to be moving very fast in the hierarchy of Church organization and church activities. Seeing that it is becoming impossible for the simple Word of God to reach your life there, are you still going on? Surely you are already going a day's journey into the wilderness. Elijah took that kind of journey and it ended him in a terrible experience. He went a day's journey into the wilderness and that was the end of his ministry. [Read his story from 1Kings 17-2King 2]
My friend, where are you rushing to? If your life is not right with God, where are you rushing to? Can't you lock yourself up and kneel down and say: “God I will not let you go until you revive me. Lord Jesus, why am I like this? Why is my life getting confused? I will not let you go until you revive me”. Why are you continuing in this journey? It may be very costly for you to allow today to pass you by without making your life right with God. For a man to continue in hypocrisy for another week after going through this devotion, it will be very costly. For you to assume that God is with everybody including you is a costly assumption when you know that there is emptiness and dryness inside of you. Naomi cried out when she returned and people called her- 'Naomi' She said, “Don't call me Naomi again. I am Marah; my life is now empty and bitter. Why do you call me Naomi? There is no Naomi in me. All that remains in me now is Marah”. Can you make that an honest confession of your true situation before God that God may restore you? Or do you want to go on in this empty, endless journey unto the unknown? Why do you go on in the caravan? Why join that company of men to live in sin?

Joseph and Mary became aware that there was a void. They became aware just like some of you are becoming aware now and discovering that you have missed it somewhere; and they did something about it. The Bible says;

“…so they traveled a whole day before they began to make an anxious search for Him.”

When they discovered that Jesus was not there, they took a step- a good step, a step to search for Jesus. They decided to look for Him.

Stop right where you are now! Go on your knees and begin to cry to God in search for Jesus that has missed in your life for a while now.

And you who is just planning to take a step into something; you are about to give in for that relationship without an assurance from the Lord that He will be going with you, can you tear that letter, stop that phone call you plan to make, that email, or chat in which ever platform. You may have even given your word already, who told you that you cannot still change your mind? Say No! Or do you want to please man and offend God? Jesus has been waiting out there where you left Him, when you forcefully ejected Him from your life with disobedience. He has been weeping ever since then, waiting and longing for your return. You have travelled far, yes He knows that; but never mind, just go back to Him, dear friend. He will order your steps afresh and guide you on the right path for your life. Don’t waste any more time else some evil overtake you!!!

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