Daily messages,hymns,inspirational songs and lots.......more

Monday 22 June 2015

"Recovering Your Lost Relationship with Jesus 1"

Having looked at how Mary and Joseph missed Jesus and the various issues we have noted as pointers or parameters to missing out, we will go to note the steps they individually and personally took to recover their lost relationship with Jesus Christ, I am trusting God that you will rise up to discover at what level you are missing out. Could it be your first love or your vision? It could even be your sweet communion with the Lord Jesus or a life of victory over sin that is missing. May be you lost the revelation of God, or the power of God that was mightily at work in you. Or perhaps it is the life of holiness, or your ability to hear God that has gotten lost in the midst of the crowd .We are trusting God to help you recover the lost anointing, the lost fire, and the lost zeal. Right now, several people only think and talk of what they used to be.

They talk about how Jesus was once upon a time real to them; how they used to pray, how God used to move, and how when they finish preaching, people used to cry and repent, but all they are recounting are past experiences- their own history.
Perhaps right now, you are also just walking into the greatest emptiness of your life and you are feeling that some things are not really the same again or that things have really shifted in your life, follow on to discover the steps to prayerfully take to recover and get your grip back on reality.

  • Insist Always On Making Your Relationship With Jesus A personal Experience.
“For they supposing Him to have been in the company went a day's journey and they sought Him among their kinsfolk and acquaintances, as they found Him not they turned back again to Jerusalem seeking Him.”Luke 2:44 KJV
They supposed that He was somewhere in the caravan and they traveled a whole day before they began to make an anxious search for Him among His relatives and acquaintances, as they did not find Him they returned to Jerusalem in anxious search for Him”[Williams]
“But supposed Him to be in the caravan and went a day's journey and they began looking for Him among their relatives and acquaintances and when they did not find Him they returned to J erusalem looking for Him. [NASV]
“They thought He was with the others who were traveling with them. After traveling for a day, they started to look for Him among their relatives and friends. When they didn't find Him they went back to Jerusalem looking for Him.[Beck]
Now, look at the way NASV put it, “they supposed Him to be in the caravan…” They thought He was somewhere in the caravan, with the others who were traveling with them. Many times, we forget to personalize our relationship with the Lord Jesus. We forget to pin down what is happening to us as individuals. But a company experience of your spiritual life cannot carry you far. If all you are doing is a 'caravan' experience, following the crowd, and being tele-guarded by others, watch out! If you have no personal experience with Jesus, no internal fire in your heart, I humbly, but firmly call you to order this moment. That kind of principle will not take you far. And this is because the Bible says each of us shall stand before the judgment seat of Christ to give account of our lives. We would not stand together, not as a Church or denomination, nor as a ministry group. In fact we will not stand together even as a family. Husbands and wives will not stand together. Each one of us will give account of his or her own life. A father will not give account for his children; children will not give account for their parents. And friends will not give account for their friends.

The greatest mistake that one may make is to assume that the group experience is one's personal experience. Are you talking of your fellowship, your Church, your group, your club or your company? They are not the real things to talk about. Talk about your life. Talk about how you are with Jesus today. Tell me how strong your spiritual life is. How consistent is your personal prayer life?

I am not here referring to Church prayer meetings, or the corporate night vigils that you always attend every week. I am not asking for the National prayer and fasting meetings that you have attended. My question is: what is your personal prayer life like? When last did you have a personal night vigil with the Lord Jesus? When last did you personally go out as an individual to obey the great commission? Or are you simply having a caravan experience with expert drivers, men that are driving you here and there most of the time with their own personal self-motives? I want to ask you right now- “they thought He was in the caravan? Do you imagine that Jesus is in your caravan? Have you met Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour? Has He touched you? Has the cross of Jesus come to crush all the works of the flesh, the works of sin and all the works of the devil in your life? “Caravan Christianity” will carry you nowhere.

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