Daily messages,hymns,inspirational songs and lots.......more

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

BEYOND MY SWORD! By Gbile Akanni

As they ran from the People of Israel, down from the Beth Horon ridge and all the way to Azekah, GOD pitched huge stones on them out of the sky and many died. More died from the hailstones than the People of Israel killed with the sword.(Jos 10:11MSG)
There was war again for Israel to fight; lands to conquer and enemies to fight and dislodge. And God was willing yet again to deliver the enemy into the hands of Joshua and the children of Israel.

But there was a constraint to total victory. The children of Israel could not provide enough hands for God to deliver the enemy into. The enemies were already overpowered by God, waiting to be slaughtered at the hands of God’s people . . . . but Israel needed more hands than was available to actualise all the victory that God has already won for them.

So God went the extra length and did for them beyond their hands and slaughtered for them, multitude of enemies beyond their sword.
There is that kind of victory won actually by the Lord. There is that dimension of divine accomplishment available to the believer. There is that possibility of defeating and destroying enemies with a divine working much more than the sword in the hands of d believer. Hailstones from heaven; deliberately unleashed on the conquered enemy, that would otherwise escape the believer. Hailstones of divine help; decidedly released by God, to the aid of His servant, in order that assignments given him might be finished.

We thank God for skills and talents but there’s a level of productivity possible beyond our talents. Thank God for gifts and graces . . . . but there’s a level of ministry possible beyond our gifts. We thank God for the ability to fast and pray but there’s a possibility of getting things done beyond our asking.

I didn't even see where Joshua prayed for these hailstones. God, who is capable of exploits infinitely abundantly much more than we have mind capacity to ask or think, saw Joshua's need and responded with hailstones from heaven.

Lord, I ask for what I cannot think of asking! I ask for what I don't even know to ask!! I ask for victory beyond my sword and effectiveness beyond my capability. Lord, I ask for results beyond my labours, hailstones of anointing doing beyond my praying or preaching or pastoring.

Lord I ask for victory beyond my sword!Lord I ask for favour beyond my merit. I ask for success beyond my effort. I ask for accomplishment beyond my wisdom. I ask for profit beyond my prudence. I ask for increase beyond my labour!

Lord I know that this cannot be the prayer of a lazy man. This cannot be to excuse from fighting, from labouring, from doing my best in obedience to your Word. Joshua still had to fight with his sword. The children of Israel still had to provide hands of warfare for God to deliver the enemies into. God only went beyond . . . beyond all that their legitimate best could not achieve.

God needed a dimension of success that their feeble efforts could not handle. God, being God had much more to give but their very possible best was going to be a limitation . . . and so God went ahead beyond them to achieve what only He could do . . . . yet seemingly through their hands.

Lord, I pray for strength of body to labour, a clarity of mind to think and strategize and a sensitivity of spiritfor inspiration and revelation. But then when all of these have worked and achieved their very best that I can allow them perform in me, then Lord go ahead and wrought exploits by my hands that is clearly beyond me!

Lord I ask for victory beyond my sword!

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