Daily messages,hymns,inspirational songs and lots.......more

Tuesday 16 February 2016


“Martha said to Jesus, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”” Joh 11:21 ESV

This was the cry of Martha and even Mary of Bethany when the Lord finally came to the tomb of their brother Lazarus, who died and was already wrapped away in the tomb to rot away. Several hopeless situations confront many of us in life and we would ceaselessly cry, Oh! If the Lord had been here to help me. Oh! If I had prayed enough or done something more or better, it would have been like this. It is indeed His coming to our rescue that brings the change.

“When He Comes” is the next issue we wish to focus upon for our Gleanings. As the Lord has already assured us of His clear and unmistakable visitation, declaring: “I am the resurrection and the life and I am here. Your brother will rise again. Your story will change from here.” We trust that this next series of devotion will bring us into unfathomable miracles. You shall glean away profound divine intervention in your hopeless and helpless situations.

This series of devotion is for several hearts that are yearning for God’s visitation in their lives. It is published with much prayer that He who is the Resurrection and the Life may walk into your situation and turn it around. He who calls into existence what is not as though they were is here again. He comes to show His glory. He comes to our valleys of dry bones. He comes to our pools of Bethesda to raise the impotent of several years. The impotent man said, “I have no man to put me into the pool. Before I step in when the Angel comes to stir the water, others who are more agile would overtake me and take my chance.” Friend, the man you need is here. He will not push you into the pool; He has the power to raise you up from your seek bed. Reach out to Him. When He comes, several things turn around.

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