Daily messages,hymns,inspirational songs and lots.......more

Friday 6 March 2015


As arrows are in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth (Ps127:4)’’

‘’ I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one.....(1John2:13)’’

The youthful years of any man or woman are very critical. Usually between 18 and 35 years, it is the period when critical decisions need to be taken in the area of career, marriage, location, hobbies and even in matters of religion/faith. Often times, the devil and his agents work so hard to recruit people during their youth into his kingdom. Once he succeeds, he uses such youth, with their passion and energy to wreck havoc in the society. Such devilish activities like armed robbery, kidnapping, prostitution, terrorism, cultism, uprising, rioting, smoking and drinking (to mention a few) are usually spear- headed by youth. In short, the devil's mission is to catch people young and destroy their destinies (John 10: 1 0)..........

However, the good news is that the story does not end with the devil and his wicked activities. God is also very passionate and determined to save the souls of men and women in their youth. That is why He gave command to parents to bring up their children in the way of the Lord so that as they begin to attain the teenage and youthful years, they
will make up their minds to follow the Lord on their own (Prov 22:6, Eph 6:4). God is always willing to help the young ones to fight the battles waged by the wicked one. When the wicked one is defeated, God goes further to train and reveal the secrets of abundant life to them (see I John 2:13, Luke 10:21-24). Even now, while the devil is busy recruiting and destroying the lives of many young people, God in His infinite mercy is beckoning and making space for all young people to come for a banquet in His house. This conference is meant to draw from His banqueting table for all youth and singles. If you are young, this conference is for you. You will receive divine instructions and guidance on:
a. How to spend your youthful years
b. Discovering God's purpose for your life ,
c. Taking critical decisions with respect to marriage, career, ministry, where to live, and many more.
d. How to overcome the peculiar temptations faced by young people.
Indeed, the Lord is waiting for you at this conference. Invite other singles and youth. Come with a prepared and expectant heart. Your registration, accommodation and feeding shall be free by God's grace. But you should come with your bedding's. We look forward to seeing you, .
God bless you .

Your Brother

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