Daily messages,hymns,inspirational songs and lots.......more

Friday 7 February 2014

Rest In Trouble ( PSALM 3:1-8)

Key verse: “I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me” (Psalm 3:4,5).

There seems to be a rise in cases of heart failures resulting in the deaths of many in recent times. Among many factors that could be responsible, fear appears to top the list. Many people live in fear everyday. The fear of enemies, whether real or imagined, has robbed many of peace of mind, sleep and sound health. Many have become very suspicious of people around them -family members, neighbours, co-workers, church members and even of themselves! This has robbed them of love and fellowship of others.

Our passage today tells us how we can be free from fear and have rest in the face of real enemies and terrible troubles. This Psalm reveals the secret of having peace and rest even in the face of threatening and overwhelming troubles from enemies. David recognized the trouble (verses 1,2). He did not try to shy away from the reality of the problem as some people will like to pretend that there is no problem. But then, he did not let this bother him. Instead, he relied on the Lord (verse 3) and recourse to prayer (verse 4). His prayer was not motivated by fear like the prayers of many people, but by faith. Believing his prayer, he rested (slept) (verse 5), confident that he was safe in the arms of the Lord whatever the enemies may threaten to do. He rejected and refused fear (verse 6), and reckoned that the power of God can defeat all his enemies and give him total victory (verses 7,8).

If you are surrounded by overwhelming troubles and enemies that threaten to consume and swallow you up and you are almost losing your peace and rest, you too can have peace in the midst of your storm. Take note of what David did. Do the same and the Lord will give you victory over all enemies that may confront you.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Faith and prayer are known antidotes of worry and fear.

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