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Tuesday 21 January 2014

You Can Be Healed

 “And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou has believed, so be it done unto thee...” (Matthew 8:1-13).
In an age when medical science has witnessed great breakthroughs, any talk of divine healing appears farfetched and unreal to many. Yet, Jesus Christ alone has the solution to all human maladies. He healed sicknesses in the past and faith in His Name is still bringing healing to men today.

One of the earliest miracles He performed while on earth was the healing of a leper, a social outcast who came pleading for mercy. Jesus, the compassionate Lord, promptly touched him, and he became clean. Then, there was the case of a man whose servant was dying. This Gentile career military officer in the Roman Army, recognised not only Jesus’ Lordship, but also His authority over all sicknesses and diseases. On these, he hung his faith and said, “speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.” And immediately, his servant was healed.

Many people are suffering and dying from sicknesses and diseases, not because the blood of Jesus has lost its power, but as a result of unbelief. Whatever your background, faith in Christ’s resurrection power will produce the miracle of healing for you. If a leper could come to the Lord in faith, calling Him Lord and a centurion could have the health of his servant restored just because he believed, you too can be healed if you believe in the Lord. 

Everyone desiring healing must exercise personal faith in Christ and recognize His Lordship. Now, humble yourself before Him, plead for His mercy, believe He will not turn you away and you will be healed.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: All things are possible to those who believe.

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