Daily messages,hymns,inspirational songs and lots.......more

Friday 31 January 2014

The Secret of Victory


Key verse: “... Take heed, and be quiet; fear not, neither be fainthearted for the two tails of these smoking firebrands...” (Isaiah 7:4).

The hallmark of a great leader  lies neither in the size of his material possession nor military prowess. Instead, a great leader is recognised by the ability to keep his head when others are losing theirs.

Ahaz had the privilege of leading the Jews in continuation of the dynasty of David. But he led them astray. The result of this sin was that they became an easy prey for their foes. Their worst enemies were Syria and Ephraim. They formed a formidable alliance for a final onslaught against Judah’s capital, Jerusalem. This frightened Ahaz and his people. Estranged from God, they did not remember to ask Him for help. Yet, God sent Isaiah to meet Ahaz with a message of hope.

Isaiah encouraged Ahaz and His people against fear and panic. He assured them that their security was hinged on faith in God. He told them that the plot by their enemies to over-run Jerusalem would not materialise. Isaiah brought this message to relieve the distressed Ahaz for his father, David’s sake. There was a literal assurance that in spite of the prevailing calamity, they would not be utterly destroyed.
Most times when men are faced with trouble, they do not see its main essence of entrusting their lives to God in faith.  Instead, they resort to self-help and even lean on their fellowmen. They forget that though the enemy may loom large, God is larger. Trials and troubles should steer our hearts towards God. Although sin builds a wedge between man and God, holiness of life and faith in God guarantee  our victory. He will save all who run to Him. The secret of victory is to seek repose in God.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Sin blinds the eye to its best interests.

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