Daily messages,hymns,inspirational songs and lots.......more

Monday 6 January 2014

A bundle of myrrh is my Beloved to me.

" A bundle of myrrh is my Beloved to me. He shall lie all night between my breasts."
Son 1:13 MKJV

"As a bag of myrrh is my well-loved one to me, when he is at rest all night between my breasts."BBE
O Lord, I have seen the next response in the heart of the bride here again. It is a deep appreciation of the Lord in my heart. I want to grow in my love for you. You must become to me the sweetest name. I am alien to this kind of feeling, but dear Lord, create this within me for the rest of my life. I have known the benefits of your grace, but not yet learnt how to reciprocate in an attitude of loving worship. Make my heart tender in this regard. I have been so used to working for you that I am becoming unemotional and without any feeling about your person. You must become the rose of my Sharon and the lilies of my valley. You must be fairer than tens of thousands to my soul. Help me to come into this realm of worship like never before in Jesus name.

I long for spontaneous outbursts of worship from the depth of my heart even as I preach and teach. I want to dwell in this relationship of love with you. I often see this in Christ my Lord. "Father, I thank you always..." was such a common expression even while in the middle of a message. Paul was very ecstatic in his presentation severally. O dear Lord, help me with a heart so tender and fascinated about You. A heart that beholds you in Your beauty all the time. A contemplating heart that thinks of your goodness day and night. Make me a worshipper, night and day. A worshipper in spirit and in truth, who passing through the valley of Baca turns it to a spring of praise.
"Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; They will still be praising You. Selah Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, Whose heart is set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baca, They make it a spring; The rain also covers it with pools. They go from strength to strength; Each one appears before God in Zion. " Psa 84:4-7 NKJV

...He shall lie all night between my breasts.What a communion! Oh how I long for an unbroken fellowship with You. He shall lie all night between my breasts. He shall lie all night on my heart. His thoughts shall fill my innermost being. I shall be filled with the aroma of His life. It shall occupy my very heart. It will leave me with no other room for anything else. While He lies between my breasts, where else can I go. It is only to remain available to Him and provide a pillow for His head in my heart. This speaks of constant and continuous fellowship with Him in my innermost thoughts. It means being all the time with Him and bearing Him about in my heart. This is the kind of communion my Lord desires. He longs for a relationship that is steady, uninterrupted by strange thoughts. He remains the undisputed object of my affection all day and all night.

O Lord, I also long for this. I long to so walk with you that I can become insulated from all the cares and concerns of this world. I long for a fellowship with you that is so rich and real. I want to learn how to bear thee between my breasts and still relate with the workplace out there without any disruption. Teach me how to remain in this heavenlies with you while I still handle the earthly necessities of my call.

O Lord, You know the longing of my heart today. Draw me into thy bosom. Take me away from ordinariness. Let it begin with me today in Jesus name. Deliver me from a dry and dreary routine that bears no freshness of life. Bring me right into Your chambers dear Lord. And Father, let it begin right away. Tarry not O Lord to come unto me. Grant me an entry into your bosom again in Jesus name. It was John who laid his head on your chest even while other disciples watched and you did not deny him. I dare ask you to lay your head in between my own breasts as well and let that be all night and all day, without break in Jesus name.

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