Daily messages,hymns,inspirational songs and lots.......more

Monday, 4 November 2013

The Savor of His Name.

"Because of the savor of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee.Songs 1:3 - Webster "
"A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one's birth.Ecc 7:1 - Webster "
My Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Your name is like the ointment poured forth. It is like the fragrance of a perfume sprayed on me. Thank you for the honour that your name has bestowed on me among men. I have found the love of many men and women poured out on me just because of your name. Thank you for allowing me to bear your name about among men.

What a privilege to know your name and to be allowed to be connected with that holy name. Father, I would be nothing and nobody on earth today if it was just my earthly father's name that I bear around. It would be of no consequence at all on earth. I would have just been one among so many faceless individuals on the face of the earth... Thank you for being my Father, from whom all the families of the earth have been named.

Bearing your name about in my life is my safety. It is my security. It is my identity. It is my expression in life. Your name has made me relevant among men in my own generation. Your name has opened doors unto me in the nations. It has brought me into the company of the great and the lowly. It has given me homes away from my home. It has given me families I can actually call my own apart from my small family. Thank you for given me this name. Thank you for letting me be known by your name. Thank you for freely allowing me to be called by your name. Hallowed be that name, which is above every other name or title either in heaven or on earth or underneath the earth.

You have given me that name. You have asked me to go everywhere in your name. You have asked me to cast out devils in your name. You have permitted me to ask anything in your name. You have asked me to tabernacle under your name, for it is a strong tower. You have given me all the privileges and credit-worthiness of thy name. You did not give me money or gold; you gave me your name. And your name is a good name that is better than gold. Your name is your goodwill on earth and in heaven.

Your name is infinitely great. It reaches to the highest heaven. Thank you for given me that name to freely hide my life under. I can actually go in your name. I can claim your claims and walk where you would only be allowed to come, all in the name of the Lord. Goliath was a giant indeed. He was an experienced warrior. He was well equipped. His entire nation trusted and rested on his ability. He came boasting and bragging against the people of Israel, until David came into the camp, bearing the name of the Lord. He said to Goliath the giant: "You have come to me with horses and chariots, but I have come to you in the Name of the Lord whom you have defied today... You will know there is a God in Israel who does not fight with bows and arrows" What a name!........

Thank you for letting me go into every conflict with the princes of darkness in your name. They cannot handle that name. They cannot handle the huge goodwill of that name. They cannot compete with that name, which is above every other name in the entire universe. In that name, every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord. I am in several countries and in several homes today all in your name. It is your name that has connected me with men and women of different tribes and tongues all over the world. My credibility is in your name alone. It is a treasure I cannot buy or exchange for anything else in the entire world.

The deception I must not fall into is to think that my own name has become important. I do not want to make the mistake of presuming that my name which Your name has identified with can survive without your Name. I must not project my own name in anyway. It is Your name that has given me a name among men in a limited way. There is nothing in my name that I should make a mistake of depending on it. It is all in your name that I have a name. I have enjoyed a name under the shadow of your name. I want to remain in the shadow of your name more and more in Jesus name.

O Lord, my desire this day is to walk daily under the canopy of this Name. I do not want another name for myself. I want to be surnamed by this name. I want my own surname to be submerged completely in this name and be known by no other name apart from your name. I do not want to be known for any other thing apart from this name. I want to die for no other thing if not your name. Father, as you have lent me your name by becoming my Father, I want to glorify that name on earth. I want that by my life or my death, Christ might be magnified further among men.

("A weekly Devotional" by Gbile Akanni)

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