Daily messages,hymns,inspirational songs and lots.......more

Thursday 17 October 2013

The Kisses of His Mouth

"Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth; for Your love is better than wine.Son 1:2"

Though tagged as the songs of Solomon, I feel this was the yearning of the heart of Solomon for a deeper relationship with the Lord Himself. Be it as it may, my own heart yearns also for the manifestation of my Lord afresh in my life. I have known this tender love in years past, but I have been drawn away from this freshness as I went about the work of the Lord at the expense of my fellowship with Him. Now, I am hungry and thirsty for thee O Lord my God. I am dry and dreary without you. Come, Oh come, my dear Lord and friend and draw me closer to thy bosom of loving care again. "Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth; for Your love is better than wine."

It was Judas that misused the kiss of a loving friend to betray the son of man. Otherwise the kiss of His mouth is a depth of fellowship. It is a communion with Him from the very depths of His heart. It is the outpouring of His love unto my heart again and again. It moves my innermost being into an intimate oneness with Him and with His word. Moses was a man with whom the Lord spoke mouth to mouth. Yet, I have been called to share in His kisses. It is the pouring of His burden into my heart. It is the pouring forth of what He has chewed in His mouth to my own heart, so I can bear the burden of His heart within me. It is to be infected with His love and burden.

A kiss is the expression of desire to be one and only one with Him. Like Solomon of old, this is my cry: Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth. Let Him draw me closer to His bosom and put His mouth into my mouth that I may drink in His very breath of life and love for mankind. You cannot kiss a man when you stand afar off. A kiss is only possible when body is brought near to body, mouth to mouth and in fact heart to heart, as breasts touch breasts. O Lord, this is the closeness I desire of you today and henceforth. I long deeply for a relationship that allows not a little gap in between my soul and the Saviour. O dear Lord, grant me this henceforth in Jesus name.
Nothing between my soul and the Saviour,
Naught of this world’s delusive dream
Must not my heart from Him ever sever,
Keep the way clear, let nothing between
Again, I am prone to cry in the words of verse two: let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth. Lord, do it for me even right now. I long for that kiss of Your mouth. It will impart unto me a divine life. It will quicken my soul and lift me out of the ordinary earth into the heavenlies. Lord, do kiss me with the kisses of Your mouth. Do it again and again and hold me tight to thy bosom and let the fragrance of your life rub afresh on me.

"A weekly Devotional" by Gbile Akanni

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