Daily messages,hymns,inspirational songs and lots.......more

Monday 14 October 2013


A fruitful Christian woman is that woman who, as a result of her union or personal encounter with Jesus at the new birth experience, is producing many useful and good results both by life and by her service to God and man. It is amazing to see that the woman God created at the beginning was made and commissioned to be fruitful. But through disobedience to God in the Garden of Eden the man and the woman lost the ability to bear the kind of fruit God desires; however, the death of Christ on the cross at Calvary brought restoration to mankind. It is sad to discover that many women today are still groping in darkness, having neither seen nor entered into that restoration...

Hannah cried to the Lord over the issue of her barrenness and the barren womb brought forth six children, among them, a prophet unto the Lord. The woman of Samaria was barren spiritually but her encounter with Jesus changed her situation and she became an evangelist, bringing souls into God’s kingdom. God still changes people’s lives today, making the barren fruitful. This is why He is calling us for this retreat with Him so that He can reposition us in His purpose of being fruitful in life and service.
Pray, prepare and come. Registration, accommodation and feeding shall be freely provided by the grace of God. If you need your personal hotel arrangement, do contact our team on 08036354244 for details. We wait to receive you into this gathering of women seeking to be fruitful in God’s purpose. 

Thank you and god bless you.

Your siater, Sade Akanni

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