Whereupon the king took counsel, and made two calves of gold, and said unto them, It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem: behold thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.1 Kings 12:28
"It is too much for you to go up in order to worship! Why go through all the trouble? Why make all that effort? Why spend the time, energy and treasure in order to fulfill biblical conditions for acceptable worship? We can make it easier, we can bring it nearer. We can still make you fulfill the conditions without needing to go up! You can please God without paying the price"
Oftentimes and especially in these modern technological days of ministry, that is the offer of leaders and men around the altar of the Lord! But if you as a disciple of the Lord agree and concur, you will have only short-changed yourself in a number of ways!
1. you will end up not offering the biblically acceptable kind of worship.
2. you will only be relating with priests of the lowest sort at the altar
3. you would have only entered the cage of men who use you for self security.
You must go up to worship!
There is a climbing, a rising, a going up in order to meet the Lord who dwells in the highest heavens. There is an effort required, there are conditions to fulfill. Only then is it true worship and only then can it be acceptable to the Most High.
If it is at convenience level, we never can know if it is of personal desire!
If it requires no effort, we will never know if the object of worship is valued high.
If it doesn't take continuity and determination, we will never know if it is of the heart. For worship to be real and therefore acceptable, it must be coming from a sincere decision of the devoted heart. Only then can God relax and drink in as pure worship from His choice creation-Man!
Don't allow men make it easier, they make your worship lose weight before God!
Don't accept an alternate altar to offer your incense; you will only be dealing with base priests whose ministry God does not accept.
Don't let men be more lenient to you than God's word stipulates, they will surely take something more from you from behind the scenes.
Go up to worship even if it takes a climb.
Go as far as God's Jerusalem, no matter the distance to cover.
Go wherever, whenever to do whatever in order to fulfill the conditions
It is only then you can be sure you will worship before the Ark of the Covenant.
It is only then you will be ministered to by authentic men of the consecration of Levi.
It is only then you can be sure it is God you worship and not the ego of someone who cannot put his trust in God.
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