Daily messages,hymns,inspirational songs and lots.......more

Tuesday 22 October 2013


“Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof; . . .” Eccl 7:8

What again is the end of a matter?
It is the final point in a space of time within which activities can take place! The end is when the time is up!! . . . and opportunity is no more available to do more. It is the last and the latest point, the final moment or period before time is no more. When we come to the end, all is concluded; no time to add anything, no time to deduct anything. The end is the finish . . . when the last bit of time is used up.

Blessed is the man that finishes his allotted tasks before finishing his allotted time. Dear Lord! May I be that blessed. May I experience a synchrony of time and task that will make me a fulfilled man at the end of my life. Help me Lord to keep the end in view that I may make hay while the sun shines.

Psa 39:4 LORD, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am.

Life is measured. No one is an everlasting man. There is no everlasting anointing because there are no everlasting assignments. No man will live forever on the earth. Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden put paid to that. Every man has a measure of days and weeks that become months and years . . . and the end can come for him within any of these time measurements.

Time is perishable. Time is a finishing resource. As we live it, we use it up. As we spend it, we consume it. As it ticks, it ticks away . . . . never to return, never to be available again for use.

A sense of time, a conscious measure of moments, a correct inner judgment of the period within which to finish, is an indispensable asset for paying the debt of ministry. Part of wisdom for finishing is to be found in the art of correctly matching task with its time.

John 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
My Master had it. I can have it too. He knew the night for Him will come sooner than everyone expected. He knew He had become a man and so He had become limited in the measure of days within which to do the work of the One who sent Him. He knew that as a man the final point in His lifetime is steadily approaching to stop Him from any further work. The end, for my Master, was not a surprise; He had been waiting "for the hour".

Again, the end, for most men, comes tragically sudden because hardly are men conscious of its imminence when it arrives. Most men do not know how to manage the delivery of the speech of Life within an allotted time, in order to end on a proper note. Yet, manage it well we must, or life will end without our reaching the END.

Lord! Make me to know my end!
Make me know that I will soon end . . . . no matter how many more years I have. Help me to live under the consciousness that time for me, is finishing by the day. Every day is telling a story . . . . as it starts with a dawn and ends with a dusk. Every day is a prophecy . . . a pointer, a reminder that as it started, so has my life started someday behind and as it ended so will my life end someday ahead.

. . . . and the measure of my days!
Lord! Help me to know that my lifetime is measured. Long life is not arbitrary. Yes! He promised to satisfy us with long life. A righteous man ought to be satisfied when his allotted tasks are over and his usefulness to God's purpose ended.

May I know that my lifetime is measured me according to the task allotted me. Please Lord; strike me deep within my heart with a sense of personal responsibility for how my lifetime is utilized. Grant me a correct sense of time! Oh that I may experience a synchrony of time and task that will make me a fulfilled man at the end of my life.

I must not rush through life’s tasks, with the urge of finishing first lest I be less thorough in finishing my tasks well. I am in competition with no one but my allotted task. I must not drag lazily either, in handling the assignments of life, lest I finish without finishing. I have no one else I'm hoping will cover up for me.

Taking shortcuts only lead to premature arrivals with nothing in hand to lay at the feet of the Master. Sluggishly roaming the streets of life however leads to untimely, late arrivals if ever we arrive before night falls and journeys end. There's a help You must grant me in this my journey of Life . . . . to match my walk and work with Your pace and spacing for my life.

I must not become overwhelmed with a particular task either because of its pleasure or yet because of its pain. I must not lose track of other tasks waiting for their turn. Help me Lord, not to cling to a station, position or location either because I feel I cannot do better than my fathers or because to move on is to face bigger threats of the Jezebels of life. That was what earned Prophet Elijah a premature end before his allotted END.

Lord! My times are in Thine hand and Thou canst make me know my end! . . . and the measure of my days! Thou canst make me allocate and administer my time well. Thou canst make me finish my lot within my allotted time.
O Lord! Make me rejoice at the end . . . . . for better is the end of a matter than the beginning thereof.

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