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Thursday 10 October 2013

As A Tale That Is Told! (By Gbile Akanni)

''Psalms 90:9 For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we spend our years as a tale that is told.'' 

Our life is a story.
One day it will be told.
One day it will be read by someone.
Each day like pages of a story book,
Each moment like lines written to tell a tale.

Each thought, now hidden by our silence, will be rudely brought to the fore for men to see the hidden weakness or wickedness of many heart.
Each word, cleverly coined or carelessly spoken that lifts or dampens men's spirits, will be accurately repeated, word for word, on the housetops for the world to hear.
And every action or inaction, deliberate or thoughtless, which goes to make or mar men's destinies will be shown up for what it actually contributed to God's purpose.

Our thoughts, words and deeds, go to tell a story whose total lessons can only be seen when the final scenes have all been read.

There were men and women in history who lost sight of this careful recording and so were careless in their decisions. I perceive they may be tortured with moments of regret whether in Heaven or in Hell, thinking back and wishing they can go back to right what they did wrong and rewrite the story the way they would have loved it to be read.

If only our mother Eve had known that I will one day read her high treachery and sell-out of the human race to the serpent, maybe she wouldn't have eaten the enticing apple. Maybe Pa Adam would have opted to rebuke and repent on her behalf if he knew that I will one day read how he sold my inheritance to the devil.

If Esau, the man born with a hairy garment destined to carry the lineage and covenant of Abraham had known that history was being written the day he swore and signed to sell his birthright for a plate of porridge, I guess he would have known how to discipline his appetite and value eternal things over transient hunger.

If king David had known that his careless walk on the balcony, looking into other peoples' bathrooms and sleeping with a girl young enough to be his granddaughter, would enter Church storybooks and be read the world over by children in countless Sunday schools, he would have fought harder to resist committing "lookery" and "touchery" before it resulted in "adultery".

If only Judas had known that his "foolproof plan" of making a quick "loose change" on the side by selling out Jesus, whom he was so sure no one can arrest, would become the way of fulfilling such a negative prophecy, he probably would have thought twice before throwing out his bishopric for a mere, paltry thirty pieces of silver.

But then, there were other men who kept this in focus and made better use of their historic moments.

Pa Abraham knew he will one day become rich . . . . made rich by Jehovah, so he refused the stolen goods offered by the king of Sodom "lest it be said that someone made Abraham rich"

Genesis 14:22-23 And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto the Lord, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth,
That I will not [take] from a thread even to a shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that [is] thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich:

Nehemiah was sent to rebuild the walls broken down and the gates burned with fire. He set a time to return and most likely to come give report. His ministry was divinely guided by reading privately and publicly from the Holy records of men before him. So you will see a man repeatedly praying that God will remember every detail of his labour and reward him accordingly. He knew that as I am reading the story of Solomon who allowed "outlandish women to lead him to sin" so will men one day, read my story.” Neh. 13:19, 22 - 31
Our Master and Saviour knew that His life will be a Gospel to be preached one day, so we hear Him declare . . . .

Matthew 24:14 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Matthew 26:13 13 Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world,[ there] shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her.

Be careful beloved. Be watchful, be vigilant; every action or inaction goes to tell the complete story. Do not let momentary pressure of pain or pleasure mar the beautiful story that God is labouring to tell the world by your life.
If you spend all your years struggling with a besetting sin, dragging your feet in making decisive committments and doing shameful things in secret because you think no one will know, I beg you to have a rethink. There is nothing hidden that shall not be uncovered; nothing secretly enjoyed in private that shall not be shamefully endured in public.
Every day, every hour; every action, every word, every thought; none is hidden, none is missed by the faithful Angels, (recorders in Heaven) and God's holy Scribes(recorders on the earth) who write the eternal records that men will read when you are gone and all will read later on in Eternity.

Dearly beloved, "Live your life the way you will want the story told."

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